at the Institute of Institute of Law, Administration and Economics of the Pedagogical University of Cracow
- Objectives of the EPARC
The objective of the European Centre for Research into Public Administration is to initiate work and analysis in the area of: administrative material law, procedural administrative law, administrative systemic law, law and administration of the European Union, administrative science, history of administration, public policies, and management in public administration. The Centre is thus going to be involved in multidimensional and interdisciplinary analysis of the functioning of public administration from the perspective of:
- current changes and trends in administrative law in Poland, the EU and European countries,
- organisation and management in public administration,
- concepts and priorities of as well as actions taken by public authorities and the relations between representatives of public administration and citizens; and
- historical and socio-political determinants of change in public administration.
The Centre is going to conduct research work focusing on such matters as:
- Europeanisation and globalisation of public administrations and their national specificity (external factors related to global influences on public administration as well as integration and co-dependence of European countries within the European Union and other international organisations, convergence and divergence of solutions in public administration, EU law as the basis of decisions issued by public administration bodies, administrative courts and constitutional courts of the EU Member States),
- economic efficiency in the public sector (processes going towards privatising public tasks, developing an administration which provides public services and boosting the operational efficiency of public administration bodies as well as the effectiveness of using public funds),
- openness of public administration: transparency, participation in public activities, social dialogue and e-administration (cooperation between public administration and civil society organizations when performing public tasks, the right to information and openness of administration, use of IT and ICT technologies in public administration, and the non-imperative actions by public administration),
- decision-making processes in public administration (organisation of decision-making processes so that the resolutions are expedient, reasonable and effective),
- improving legal and administrative conditions for the creation and development of enterprises (limitation of administrative and legal burden, identification and dissemination of good practice in supporting entrepreneurship at the local, regional and national levels).
- EPARC funding
The Centre is going to conduct research as part of the Jean Monnet programme – project: National Public Administration and European Integration, nr 574723-EPP-1-2016-1-PL-EPPJMO-MODULE. In the future, the Centre is going to apply for grants from:
- European programmes: COSME, Horizon 2020, Erasmus +,
- The National Science Centre,
- Małopolska Regional Operational Programme,
- Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development,
- The Visegrad Fund; and
- Norway Grants.
It will be possible to pursue the set research objectives thanks to cooperation with academic centres in Poland and abroad, e.g.:
- Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics,
- Viadrina European University,
- University in Košice,
- University of Westminster,
- University of Essex; and
- University of Toulouse.
Such collaboration is going to include scientific research, and in the long term establishing consortia to apply for grants from the Horizon 2020 programme.
- Activities
The Centre’s operation is going to consist in carrying out research into the functioning of public administration through delivery of research projects, drafting expert opinions as well as educational and training activities. To this end, cooperation is envisaged with public administration bodies as well stimulating activity on the part of undergraduate and doctoral students.
In particular, the Centre is going to engage in the following activities:
- organisation of conferences and seminars concerning the functioning of public administration,
- participation in international research and development projects,
- publication of research results online, in “Public Administration Yearbook” and scientific monograph works,
- initiating, implementing and coordinating scientific analyses vital in terms of the functioning of central- and local-level government administration,
- drafting position papers, statements and expert opinions in matters important for the functioning of public administration,
- organisation of training and mobile expert support teams for central- and local-level government administration bodies; and
- education (organisation of post-graduate studies and courses in: European Competition Network, Regulatory bodies in the infrastructure sectors in the European Union, European personal data protection bodies, European financial supervision system and national supervisory bodies).
It is envisaged that the organisational structure of the Centre would include a Advisory Committee, a consultative-advisory body with the following members:
Prof. dr hab. Sławomir Dudzik, Jagiellonian University of Cracow
Prof. Taras Gurzhiy, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Ukraine
Prof. dr hab. Dariusz Kijowski, University of Bialystok
Prof. dr hab. Stanisław Kilian, Pedagogical University of Cracow
Prof. UHT dr hab. Helena Kisilowska, Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom
Prof. UP dr hab. Leszek Korzeniowski, Pedagogical University of Cracow
Prof. dr hab. inż. Andrzej Kozera, Pedagogical University of Cracow
Prof. WSAB dr hab. Wojciech Lamentowicz, E. Kwiatkowski University of Business and Administration (WSAB) in Gdynia
Prof. Christine Mengès-Le Pape, Université Toulouse 1 Capitole, France
Prof. Drahomíra Ondrová, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia
Prof. Dr. Ingrid Opdebeek, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Prof. UP dr hab. Janina Pach, Pedagogical University of Cracow
Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Piasecki, Pedagogical University of Cracow
Dr hab. Wojciech Piątek, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Prof. SGH dr hab. Bogusław Pytlik, Warsaw School of Economics
Prof. UJK dr hab. Piotr Ruczkowski, Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce
Prof. Martyna Śliwa, University of Essex – Colchester, United Kingdom
The European Centre for Research into Public Administration is going to operate within the Institute of Political Science of the Pedagogical University of Cracow. The Centre’s Research Team would include academics of the Pedagogical University of Cracow as well as Polish and foreign partner universities.